Palestine Legal's Statement on Congressional Hearing about Impact of BDS

Palestine Legal's Statement on Congressional Hearing about Impact of BDS

Today, as the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on National Security holds a hearing on the impact of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, Palestine Legal released the following statement

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Radhika Sainath on MSNBC

Radhika Sainath on MSNBC

Watch Palestine Legal Staff Attorney Radhika Sainath debate Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) on MSNBC's Roadmap here.

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Palestine Legal All Over the News!

Palestine Legal All Over the News!

On Monday, May 18, Palestine Solidarity Legal Support (Palestine Legal), in conjunction with the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) released findings on the trend across U.S. college campuses of false accusations of anti-Semitism intended to silence advocacy for Palestinian rights.

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PSLS at Israel Lobby Conference

PSLS at Israel Lobby Conference

Palestine Solidarity Legal Support Director Dima Khalidi addressed a packed room of about 300 politicians, academics, and other professionals at the Israel Lobby Conference on Friday, April 10th.

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Liz Jackson in Huffington Post

Liz Jackson in Huffington Post

This article was originally published in Huffington Post on March 30, 2015.  Click here to see the original posting.

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PSLS' Top 8 Blog Posts of 2014

PSLS' Top 8 Blog Posts of 2014

Happy New Year!  2014 was a busy year for legal repression of Palestine advocacy.  For a peek into some highlights of our work, here is a list of our 8 most viewed posts of the year:

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Radhika Sainath in Huffington Post

Radhika Sainath in Huffington Post

This article was originally published in Huffington Post on Dec. 22, 2014. Click here for the the posting.


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