Palestine Legal Warns Against Escalating Efforts to Weaponize Terror Laws and Suppress Advocacy for Palestinian Rights

Palestine Legal Warns Against Escalating Efforts to Weaponize Terror Laws and Suppress Advocacy for Palestinian Rights

In recent weeks, as encampments and other protests on campuses have gained national attention and a seven-month-long US-backed genocide continues unabated in Palestine, anti-Palestinian lawmakers, groups, and institutional actors have intensified their racist and repressive targeting of the Palestine solidarity movement in the US from multiple angles. This is a desperate effort to criminalize and shut down a growing movement calling for Palestinian freedom.

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Victory in the Courts for Palestinian Rights: USCPR defeats JNF's Lawfare Attack

Victory in the Courts for Palestinian Rights: USCPR defeats JNF's Lawfare Attack

On Tuesday May 3rd, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a baseless lawsuit filed by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) claiming that our partners at the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) had provided “material support for terrorism” by engaging in advocacy. USCPR is represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), in addition to cooperating counsel Judith Chomsky and Beth Stephens.  

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