State Dept. Push to Label Human Rights Orgs ‘Antisemitic’ Exposes Repressive Intent of Redefinition Efforts

State Dept. Push to Label Human Rights Orgs ‘Antisemitic’ Exposes Repressive Intent of Redefinition Efforts

In the latest manifestation of a Trump-backed campaign to redefine antisemitism, the U.S. State Department reportedly plans to designate three prominent human rights groups as antisemitic due to their criticism of Israel’s violations of international law.

According to news sources, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo could soon release a report that would label Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Oxfam International as antisemitic groups, bar federal funding to the organizations and encourage foreign governments to do the same.

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Call for protection of Palestinian human rights defenders

Call for protection of Palestinian human rights defenders

In marking International Human Rights Defenders Day, the undersigned organizations commend the work of all human rights defenders working for justice globally, stand in solidarity with them, and highlight the case of individuals and organizations focused on Palestine.

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